Required role: | REGISUserRole |
POST | /person/{uuid}/addressAndBio |
import java.math.*;
import java.util.*;
import net.servicestack.client.*;
public class dtos
public static class AddressAndBioRequest
public String uuid = null;
public String getUuid() { return uuid; }
public AddressAndBioRequest setUuid(String value) { this.uuid = value; return this; }
public static class AddressAndBioResponse
public ResponseStatus responseStatus = null;
public PersonExtendedResponse person = null;
public PersonPictureResponse picture = null;
public ArrayList<CountriesAndStatesResponse> countriesAndStates = null;
public ArrayList<PrefixResponse> prefixes = null;
public HashMap<String,String> maritalStatuses = null;
public ArrayList<Occupation> occupations = null;
public ArrayList<Denomination> denominations = null;
public ArrayList<Ethnicity> ethnicities = null;
public ResponseStatus getResponseStatus() { return responseStatus; }
public AddressAndBioResponse setResponseStatus(ResponseStatus value) { this.responseStatus = value; return this; }
public PersonExtendedResponse getPerson() { return person; }
public AddressAndBioResponse setPerson(PersonExtendedResponse value) { this.person = value; return this; }
public PersonPictureResponse getPicture() { return picture; }
public AddressAndBioResponse setPicture(PersonPictureResponse value) { this.picture = value; return this; }
public ArrayList<CountriesAndStatesResponse> getCountriesAndStates() { return countriesAndStates; }
public AddressAndBioResponse setCountriesAndStates(ArrayList<CountriesAndStatesResponse> value) { this.countriesAndStates = value; return this; }
public ArrayList<PrefixResponse> getPrefixes() { return prefixes; }
public AddressAndBioResponse setPrefixes(ArrayList<PrefixResponse> value) { this.prefixes = value; return this; }
public HashMap<String,String> getMaritalStatuses() { return maritalStatuses; }
public AddressAndBioResponse setMaritalStatuses(HashMap<String,String> value) { this.maritalStatuses = value; return this; }
public ArrayList<Occupation> getOccupations() { return occupations; }
public AddressAndBioResponse setOccupations(ArrayList<Occupation> value) { this.occupations = value; return this; }
public ArrayList<Denomination> getDenominations() { return denominations; }
public AddressAndBioResponse setDenominations(ArrayList<Denomination> value) { this.denominations = value; return this; }
public ArrayList<Ethnicity> getEthnicities() { return ethnicities; }
public AddressAndBioResponse setEthnicities(ArrayList<Ethnicity> value) { this.ethnicities = value; return this; }
public static class PersonExtendedResponse
public ResponseStatus responseStatus = null;
public Integer regent_id = null;
public Integer ubc_id = null;
public Integer spouse_regent_id = null;
public String uuid = null;
public String regent_login = null;
public String spouse_rwl = null;
public String first_name = null;
public String middle_name = null;
public String last_name = null;
public String preferred_name = null;
public String birth_name = null;
public String override_transcript_name = null;
public String spouse_name = null;
public String addr1 = null;
public String addr2 = null;
public String country = null;
public String state = null;
public String city = null;
public String code = null;
public String phone_home = null;
public String phone_cell = null;
public String phone_bus = null;
public String email = null;
public String prefix = null;
public Date dob = null;
public String citizenship = null;
public String citizenship_other = null;
public String permanent_resident = null;
public String denomination = null;
public String occupation = null;
public String ethnicity = null;
public String gender = null;
public String marital_status = null;
public Date deceased_date = null;
public Boolean is_donor = null;
public Boolean is_vendor = null;
public Boolean is_gp_customer = null;
public String crm_student_status = null;
public String crm_assigned = null;
public String last_registered_term = null;
public Boolean is_regent_staff = null;
public String regent_title = null;
public String regent_department = null;
public String regent_faculty_profile_url = null;
public String regent_image_url = null;
public Boolean include_on_website = null;
public String added_by = null;
public Date added_date = null;
public String last_changed_by = null;
public Date last_changed_date = null;
public String addr_last_changed_by = null;
public Date addr_last_changed_date = null;
public String tax_number = null;
public String regent_current_program = null;
public String regent_degrees = null;
public ResponseStatus getResponseStatus() { return responseStatus; }
public PersonExtendedResponse setResponseStatus(ResponseStatus value) { this.responseStatus = value; return this; }
public Integer getRegentId() { return regent_id; }
public PersonExtendedResponse setRegentId(Integer value) { this.regent_id = value; return this; }
public Integer getUbcId() { return ubc_id; }
public PersonExtendedResponse setUbcId(Integer value) { this.ubc_id = value; return this; }
public Integer getSpouseRegentId() { return spouse_regent_id; }
public PersonExtendedResponse setSpouseRegentId(Integer value) { this.spouse_regent_id = value; return this; }
public String getUuid() { return uuid; }
public PersonExtendedResponse setUuid(String value) { this.uuid = value; return this; }
public String getRegentLogin() { return regent_login; }
public PersonExtendedResponse setRegentLogin(String value) { this.regent_login = value; return this; }
public String getSpouseRwl() { return spouse_rwl; }
public PersonExtendedResponse setSpouseRwl(String value) { this.spouse_rwl = value; return this; }
public String getFirstName() { return first_name; }
public PersonExtendedResponse setFirstName(String value) { this.first_name = value; return this; }
public String getMiddleName() { return middle_name; }
public PersonExtendedResponse setMiddleName(String value) { this.middle_name = value; return this; }
public String getLastName() { return last_name; }
public PersonExtendedResponse setLastName(String value) { this.last_name = value; return this; }
public String getPreferredName() { return preferred_name; }
public PersonExtendedResponse setPreferredName(String value) { this.preferred_name = value; return this; }
public String getBirthName() { return birth_name; }
public PersonExtendedResponse setBirthName(String value) { this.birth_name = value; return this; }
public String getOverrideTranscriptName() { return override_transcript_name; }
public PersonExtendedResponse setOverrideTranscriptName(String value) { this.override_transcript_name = value; return this; }
public String getSpouseName() { return spouse_name; }
public PersonExtendedResponse setSpouseName(String value) { this.spouse_name = value; return this; }
public String getAddr1() { return addr1; }
public PersonExtendedResponse setAddr1(String value) { this.addr1 = value; return this; }
public String getAddr2() { return addr2; }
public PersonExtendedResponse setAddr2(String value) { this.addr2 = value; return this; }
public String getCountry() { return country; }
public PersonExtendedResponse setCountry(String value) { = value; return this; }
public String getState() { return state; }
public PersonExtendedResponse setState(String value) { this.state = value; return this; }
public String getCity() { return city; }
public PersonExtendedResponse setCity(String value) { = value; return this; }
public String getCode() { return code; }
public PersonExtendedResponse setCode(String value) { this.code = value; return this; }
public String getPhoneHome() { return phone_home; }
public PersonExtendedResponse setPhoneHome(String value) { this.phone_home = value; return this; }
public String getPhoneCell() { return phone_cell; }
public PersonExtendedResponse setPhoneCell(String value) { this.phone_cell = value; return this; }
public String getPhoneBus() { return phone_bus; }
public PersonExtendedResponse setPhoneBus(String value) { this.phone_bus = value; return this; }
public String getEmail() { return email; }
public PersonExtendedResponse setEmail(String value) { = value; return this; }
public String getPrefix() { return prefix; }
public PersonExtendedResponse setPrefix(String value) { this.prefix = value; return this; }
public Date getDob() { return dob; }
public PersonExtendedResponse setDob(Date value) { this.dob = value; return this; }
public String getCitizenship() { return citizenship; }
public PersonExtendedResponse setCitizenship(String value) { this.citizenship = value; return this; }
public String getCitizenshipOther() { return citizenship_other; }
public PersonExtendedResponse setCitizenshipOther(String value) { this.citizenship_other = value; return this; }
public String getPermanentResident() { return permanent_resident; }
public PersonExtendedResponse setPermanentResident(String value) { this.permanent_resident = value; return this; }
public String getDenomination() { return denomination; }
public PersonExtendedResponse setDenomination(String value) { this.denomination = value; return this; }
public String getOccupation() { return occupation; }
public PersonExtendedResponse setOccupation(String value) { this.occupation = value; return this; }
public String getEthnicity() { return ethnicity; }
public PersonExtendedResponse setEthnicity(String value) { this.ethnicity = value; return this; }
public String getGender() { return gender; }
public PersonExtendedResponse setGender(String value) { this.gender = value; return this; }
public String getMaritalStatus() { return marital_status; }
public PersonExtendedResponse setMaritalStatus(String value) { this.marital_status = value; return this; }
public Date getDeceasedDate() { return deceased_date; }
public PersonExtendedResponse setDeceasedDate(Date value) { this.deceased_date = value; return this; }
public Boolean getIsDonor() { return is_donor; }
public PersonExtendedResponse setIsDonor(Boolean value) { this.is_donor = value; return this; }
public Boolean getIsVendor() { return is_vendor; }
public PersonExtendedResponse setIsVendor(Boolean value) { this.is_vendor = value; return this; }
public Boolean getIsGpCustomer() { return is_gp_customer; }
public PersonExtendedResponse setIsGpCustomer(Boolean value) { this.is_gp_customer = value; return this; }
public String getCrmStudentStatus() { return crm_student_status; }
public PersonExtendedResponse setCrmStudentStatus(String value) { this.crm_student_status = value; return this; }
public String getCrmAssigned() { return crm_assigned; }
public PersonExtendedResponse setCrmAssigned(String value) { this.crm_assigned = value; return this; }
public String getLastRegisteredTerm() { return last_registered_term; }
public PersonExtendedResponse setLastRegisteredTerm(String value) { this.last_registered_term = value; return this; }
public Boolean getIsRegentStaff() { return is_regent_staff; }
public PersonExtendedResponse setIsRegentStaff(Boolean value) { this.is_regent_staff = value; return this; }
public String getRegentTitle() { return regent_title; }
public PersonExtendedResponse setRegentTitle(String value) { this.regent_title = value; return this; }
public String getRegentDepartment() { return regent_department; }
public PersonExtendedResponse setRegentDepartment(String value) { this.regent_department = value; return this; }
public String getRegentFacultyProfileUrl() { return regent_faculty_profile_url; }
public PersonExtendedResponse setRegentFacultyProfileUrl(String value) { this.regent_faculty_profile_url = value; return this; }
public String getRegentImageUrl() { return regent_image_url; }
public PersonExtendedResponse setRegentImageUrl(String value) { this.regent_image_url = value; return this; }
public Boolean isIncludeOnWebsite() { return include_on_website; }
public PersonExtendedResponse setIncludeOnWebsite(Boolean value) { this.include_on_website = value; return this; }
public String getAddedBy() { return added_by; }
public PersonExtendedResponse setAddedBy(String value) { this.added_by = value; return this; }
public Date getAddedDate() { return added_date; }
public PersonExtendedResponse setAddedDate(Date value) { this.added_date = value; return this; }
public String getLastChangedBy() { return last_changed_by; }
public PersonExtendedResponse setLastChangedBy(String value) { this.last_changed_by = value; return this; }
public Date getLastChangedDate() { return last_changed_date; }
public PersonExtendedResponse setLastChangedDate(Date value) { this.last_changed_date = value; return this; }
public String getAddrLastChangedBy() { return addr_last_changed_by; }
public PersonExtendedResponse setAddrLastChangedBy(String value) { this.addr_last_changed_by = value; return this; }
public Date getAddrLastChangedDate() { return addr_last_changed_date; }
public PersonExtendedResponse setAddrLastChangedDate(Date value) { this.addr_last_changed_date = value; return this; }
public String getTaxNumber() { return tax_number; }
public PersonExtendedResponse setTaxNumber(String value) { this.tax_number = value; return this; }
public String getRegentCurrentProgram() { return regent_current_program; }
public PersonExtendedResponse setRegentCurrentProgram(String value) { this.regent_current_program = value; return this; }
public String getRegentDegrees() { return regent_degrees; }
public PersonExtendedResponse setRegentDegrees(String value) { this.regent_degrees = value; return this; }
public static class PersonPictureResponse
public ResponseStatus responseStatus = null;
public String imageBase64 = null;
public ResponseStatus getResponseStatus() { return responseStatus; }
public PersonPictureResponse setResponseStatus(ResponseStatus value) { this.responseStatus = value; return this; }
public String getImageBase64() { return imageBase64; }
public PersonPictureResponse setImageBase64(String value) { this.imageBase64 = value; return this; }
public static class CountriesAndStatesResponse
public String country_code = null;
public String country_name = null;
public HashMap<String,String> states = null;
public String getCountryCode() { return country_code; }
public CountriesAndStatesResponse setCountryCode(String value) { this.country_code = value; return this; }
public String getCountryName() { return country_name; }
public CountriesAndStatesResponse setCountryName(String value) { this.country_name = value; return this; }
public HashMap<String,String> getStates() { return states; }
public CountriesAndStatesResponse setStates(HashMap<String,String> value) { this.states = value; return this; }
public static class PrefixResponse
public String prefix_code = null;
public String prefix_name = null;
public String getPrefixCode() { return prefix_code; }
public PrefixResponse setPrefixCode(String value) { this.prefix_code = value; return this; }
public String getPrefixName() { return prefix_name; }
public PrefixResponse setPrefixName(String value) { this.prefix_name = value; return this; }
public static class Occupation
public Integer id = null;
public String code = null;
public String occupation_name = null;
public Integer getId() { return id; }
public Occupation setId(Integer value) { = value; return this; }
public String getCode() { return code; }
public Occupation setCode(String value) { this.code = value; return this; }
public String getOccupationName() { return occupation_name; }
public Occupation setOccupationName(String value) { this.occupation_name = value; return this; }
public static class Denomination
public Integer id = null;
public String code = null;
public String denomination_name = null;
public Integer getId() { return id; }
public Denomination setId(Integer value) { = value; return this; }
public String getCode() { return code; }
public Denomination setCode(String value) { this.code = value; return this; }
public String getDenominationName() { return denomination_name; }
public Denomination setDenominationName(String value) { this.denomination_name = value; return this; }
public static class Ethnicity
public Integer id = null;
public String code = null;
public String ethnicity_name = null;
public Integer getId() { return id; }
public Ethnicity setId(Integer value) { = value; return this; }
public String getCode() { return code; }
public Ethnicity setCode(String value) { this.code = value; return this; }
public String getEthnicityName() { return ethnicity_name; }
public Ethnicity setEthnicityName(String value) { this.ethnicity_name = value; return this; }
Java AddressAndBioRequest DTOs
To override the Content-type in your clients, use the HTTP Accept Header, append the .json suffix or ?format=json
To embed the response in a jsonp callback, append ?callback=myCallback
The following are sample HTTP requests and responses. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.
POST /person/{uuid}/addressAndBio HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: length
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: length {"responseStatus":{"errorCode":"String","message":"String","stackTrace":"String","errors":[{"errorCode":"String","fieldName":"String","message":"String","meta":{"String":"String"}}],"meta":{"String":"String"}},"person":{"responseStatus":{"errorCode":"String","message":"String","stackTrace":"String","errors":[{"errorCode":"String","fieldName":"String","message":"String","meta":{"String":"String"}}],"meta":{"String":"String"}},"regent_id":0,"ubc_id":0,"spouse_regent_id":0,"uuid":"String","regent_login":"String","spouse_rwl":"String","first_name":"String","middle_name":"String","last_name":"String","preferred_name":"String","birth_name":"String","override_transcript_name":"String","spouse_name":"String","addr1":"String","addr2":"String","country":"String","state":"String","city":"String","code":"String","phone_home":"String","phone_cell":"String","phone_bus":"String","email":"String","prefix":"String","dob":"0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000","citizenship":"String","citizenship_other":"String","permanent_resident":"String","denomination":"String","occupation":"String","ethnicity":"String","gender":"String","marital_status":"String","deceased_date":"0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000","is_donor":false,"is_vendor":false,"is_gp_customer":false,"crm_student_status":"String","crm_assigned":"String","last_registered_term":"String","is_regent_staff":false,"regent_title":"String","regent_department":"String","regent_faculty_profile_url":"String","regent_image_url":"String","include_on_website":false,"added_by":"String","added_date":"0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000","last_changed_by":"String","last_changed_date":"0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000","addr_last_changed_by":"String","addr_last_changed_date":"0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000","tax_number":"String","regent_current_program":"String","regent_degrees":"String"},"picture":{"responseStatus":{"errorCode":"String","message":"String","stackTrace":"String","errors":[{"errorCode":"String","fieldName":"String","message":"String","meta":{"String":"String"}}],"meta":{"String":"String"}},"imageBase64":"String"},"countriesAndStates":[{"country_code":"String","country_name":"String","states":{"String":"String"}}],"prefixes":[{"prefix_code":"String","prefix_name":"String"}],"maritalStatuses":{"String":"String"},"occupations":[{"id":0,"code":"String","occupation_name":"String"}],"denominations":[{"id":0,"code":"String","denomination_name":"String"}],"ethnicities":[{"id":0,"code":"String","ethnicity_name":"String"}]}